📧 Getting Offer Details

Background: This email was compiled using this Twitter thread from Dr. Joe Cirio, which was honestly invaluable, as well the input from other folks in the thread. One thing to keep in mind is that some of this information can be gathered from speaking to an HR representative or website.

Hello there! Thank you for your patience as I deliberate over your offer. First, I want to say that I am truly humbled and honored. I very much welcome the chance to work with your faculty and in your department and university.

After speaking with my committee, mentors, and advisors, I have a few questions that I am hoping you might be able to help me with as I compile information and compare different aspects of what my future could look like. So, forgive me for this, but I have a list of questions, which are bulleted below for your convenience. I realize these can require some extensive research, so please let me know whether answering them is feasible.

Again, I realize these are quite extensive, and I would gladly chat via Zoom or phone to talk about this all more. I look forward to your response.